You can make a difference. Every contribution, big or small, helps us support more deserving undergraduates pursue a life changing year studying abroad.
Donate NOW
Click on the button below to make an on-line donation using PayPal. You’ll be able to donate using a credit card or debit card (we will not retain any payment information) without having a PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account you may also be able to pay from your connected bank account. You can setup a one-time donation, or a monthly recurring donation if that is more convenient. After completing the transaction you will receive a receipt for your records via email. Thank you for your donation supporting our cause!
By check
To make a cash donation, please submit a check (in US funds, or international money order) to:
Chris Borton Memorial Scholarship Fund
101 East 7th Street
Davis, CA 95616
If you wish to contribute stock to the fund, please instruct your broker to make the transfer using the information below:
Independent Financial Group: DTC # 0443
Attn: Suzy Lawrence/Marsha Williams
155 N. Lake Ave., Suite 800, Pasadena, CA 90017
Chris Borton Scholarship Fund: Acct # PWT119992
Your broker should confirm this transfer with a letter detailing the amount of shares, stock symbol and price at the time of transfer (close of trading day before transfer). This letter should be sent to both the broker listed above, as well as the fund’s treasurer.
Matching Funds
Please keep in mind that many companies have a matching fund gift program. They will match all, or part of, a gift made by an employee (or sometimes a for retired employee) to a qualified charitable institution. Please inquire with your employer.